Thursday, February 21, 2013


Okay so I was watching HGTV (which I am now obsessed with because of Neill) and these people were looking at a house right? And then there was this little cage and I thought, "Oh yeah. The typical dog cage." But then the lady was like "Say hello to Otis the PIG!!!" I was like OMG it is a pig as a pet!! And coincedentally I was thinking about what I wanted for my birthday then it hit me and I was like BINGO!! I need a pig!! I asked my parents but they were like, "Oh NO! It would smell up the house and you wouldn't even want to take care of it!!" And then I was like, "Oh yes I would!! Please, please, please, please?!?!" But then my mom said in this real sassy voice, "No, we are leaving here without a pig." (Amanda would know what I was talking about- it's related to the candy CVS story) My dad agreed with her, but I NEED A PIG!!!!!!! I need some tips on convincing parents!!!! I know all of my commenters will help me out on this- (IF YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED I AM COUNTING ON YOU!!) Okay well that's all we have for today folks BYE!!!!! (Neill would understand- it's from the Jefferey videos :))
PS- My birthday is April 10th.... just putting that out there... :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Holiday Piggys!

Hey guys! SO! I am really super duper excited about Christmas, SO I just had to find some pictures of pigs at Christmas and Thanksgiving :D They are adorable!

Aww! Pig with a Santa hat!

This looks like an excellent book!

Honk if you want presents!

Hey guys! So... what's- (snoring)

 Flying pig ornament! Oh yeah!!

You know, some people understand the meaning of life: LOVE PIGS!

Pig scarecrow! For all of those young scarecrows with a boring faces out there, well there's only one thing to say, you were replaced by a pig! HA!

So now that you have an image in your head about what a Holiday Piggy should look like, keep the holiday spirit and tell me one thing that you want for the holidays!! And you can email this link to people- it helps the pig economy. Just an FYI. Thanks for my 1,984,827 commenters!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Halloween Costume 8)

Hello everyone!
As you have probably noticed, I have lost some commenters, so now I am down to only 1,984,827 commenters! :( This is horrible! I must get the number back up! Well, this is probably my fault- not yous guys'. :0 Okay, so today I am saying that I will try to update my blog every other day. So today's post is about Halloween costumes!! Woot Woot!! So guess what my dog is going ot be for Halloween? A FLYING PIG!! :O :O :O :O :O :O :O Isn't that amazing?!?!? So I need you guys (as in my 1,984,827 commenters) to tell me what you are being for Halloween and your favorite candy :):) Send this link to a bunch of people so that I can get my commenter number back up!!
Love you guys!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pig Fun Fact Day

Everyone thinks that pigs are so stupid because they're, well, pigs! Did you know that pigs are the fifth smartest animals in the world? Actually, it is easier to train a pig to do tricks than it is a dog! You can even teach it to be potty trained and get the paper for you. These animals are extremely underestimated! And since pigs don't have sweat glands, they roll in the mud to cool off! Most people think that pigs are disgusting creatures, but actually they are some of the cleanest animals on planet Earth! This is because, like humans, they poop and pee in the same separate area every time, so the germs stay in one spot. This is unlike whales that just poop in the middle of nowhere and then another whale just swims through it and gets poop all over them! And our final fun fact of the day is that pigs are the only animal that can be found all around the world! That is how popular pigs are to people!

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Hello people that actually take the time to look at my pig blog!
Today this post is not going to be about pigs because I have been stampeded with something more important! One of my really good friends, Grace, broke her leg while she was at my lake house :0. She can't put any pressure on it and will most likely have a full leg cast on her right leg. Also, tomorrow morning she is supposed to have surgery on it. Please keep Grace in your prayers while her surgery is going on and throughout the time that she has her cast. I know your prayers will help!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Piggy Pics

So, today's fantabulous post idea is brought to you by Grayce Guthrie!! I am gonna post some really cute pics of pigs and you can just enjoy looking at them!!

1: This is a pair of piglets who were painting:

2: This is a pig in pink boots:

3: This  is a pig sniffing a flower:
cute little piggy
4: This is a pig sunbathing:

5: This is a pig dreaming that he can jump over the moon:

6: These are some pigs after a hard day's work of pumpkin carving:

7: These are some pigs in the rain:

8: This is a pig enjoying a nap at the pool:

 9: These are some pigs harmonizing together:

 10: This is a pig after eating gold fish:

11: And last, but not least- A pig pooping:

Hope you liked the pics! And remember to comment on your favorite one!! Thanks for all of the other comments! Oh! And email this blog page website to at least three people or else you will never be allowed to look at this blog ever again!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Piggie, Piggie, Piggie, Piggie!

Ok, so me and three of my friends came up with this song about pigs! So, it's about four different kinds of pigs- Meggy Piggies, Livey Piggies, Spider Pigs, and Flying Pigs! So this is how it goes:

Spider Pig, Spider Pig, does whatever a Spider Pig does!
Spider Pig! Spider Pig! Spider Pig!
Flying Pig, Flying Pig, does whatever a Flying Pig does!
Flying Pig! Flying Pig! Flying Pig!
Meggy Piggy, Meggy Piggy, does whatever a Meggy Piggy does!
Meggy Piggy! Meggy Piggy! Meggy Piggy!
Livey Piggy, Livey Piggy, does whatever a Livey Piggy does!
Livey Piggy! Livey Piggy! Livey Piggy! 

As you can tell, (I hope you can) we LURVE pigs! Woohoo! Because, I mean, who wouldn't? Ok, do me a favor and when you comment tell me one thing that you think that I should post about tomorrow!