Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pig Fun Fact Day

Everyone thinks that pigs are so stupid because they're, well, pigs! Did you know that pigs are the fifth smartest animals in the world? Actually, it is easier to train a pig to do tricks than it is a dog! You can even teach it to be potty trained and get the paper for you. These animals are extremely underestimated! And since pigs don't have sweat glands, they roll in the mud to cool off! Most people think that pigs are disgusting creatures, but actually they are some of the cleanest animals on planet Earth! This is because, like humans, they poop and pee in the same separate area every time, so the germs stay in one spot. This is unlike whales that just poop in the middle of nowhere and then another whale just swims through it and gets poop all over them! And our final fun fact of the day is that pigs are the only animal that can be found all around the world! That is how popular pigs are to people!


  1. You are the most interesting child I have ever met in my whole life! It's awesome!!! Love ya sissy!!

  2. Haha! Thanks, I get that a lot! Thanks so much!

  3. Haha!! #gotta_love_pigs!!!

    Luv u!!!
