Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Piggy Pics

So, today's fantabulous post idea is brought to you by Grayce Guthrie!! I am gonna post some really cute pics of pigs and you can just enjoy looking at them!!

1: This is a pair of piglets who were painting:

2: This is a pig in pink boots:

3: This  is a pig sniffing a flower:
cute little piggy
4: This is a pig sunbathing:

5: This is a pig dreaming that he can jump over the moon:

6: These are some pigs after a hard day's work of pumpkin carving:

7: These are some pigs in the rain:

8: This is a pig enjoying a nap at the pool:

 9: These are some pigs harmonizing together:

 10: This is a pig after eating gold fish:

11: And last, but not least- A pig pooping:

Hope you liked the pics! And remember to comment on your favorite one!! Thanks for all of the other comments! Oh! And email this blog page website to at least three people or else you will never be allowed to look at this blog ever again!


  1. Thank you for using my suggestion! :) Haha! I love ALL of the pics! My favorite one though is of the pigs in the rain. It is so adorbs! :) I love the blog, and I will email the link to at least 3 peeps. Luv you always!
    -Grayce :D :P

  2. Also, send people to my blog aswell! :) please...i need it! We should start like a blog know? It would be awesome! LOL

  3. hahahahaha!!! im loving the pooping pig manley!!!!!! That one is my favorite!!!! and the pig sunbathing :)

  4. Ya me 2! I like the pigs harmonizing too! :)

  5. Thanks, GG! And I will send ur link to as many peeps as possible!
    Bielan, those two r my fav also!!
    Ella v, yeah idk what they r actually doing but i said that they were harmonizing!
    Thanks for commenting y'all!
    ~MC M, Mary, Mama
