Sunday, June 10, 2012

Different Pigs

There are all different kinds of pigs, you know! Flying pigs, spider pigs, meggy piggies, livey piggies, and even pigs that are afraid of mud! Isn't that so weird? Because ALL pigs are supposed to live day and night in little puddles of mud. But NOOO! Some pigs, when they walk up to a puddle of mud, OINK OINK! EEE! (running sound) See! That was a little pig running away from mud! It is so interesting how many kinds of pigs there are on planet Earth!


  1. That is so awesome! I can't wait to hear more about pigs from you!! lol

  2. Replies
    1. Haha! Thanks! Just check tomorrow after 4 and I will have another post!
      ~ PE (Pig Expertise)

  3. MEGGY PIGGIES!!! yay! :) MC THIS IS THE BOMB~~~!!!!!!
